to Bismarck, ND
miles / 2,541 feet of elevation
Day 14 opened with a beautiful sunrise; this opening, along with wide open no traffic frontage roads, produced a very brisk pace and perfect riding day.
We had 80(+) miles of frontage roads where we could sustain speeds well over 20 mph. Then, when we came into Bismarck, we had the city’s bike trail to ride on and this too produced a very quick pace.
We had fewer and shorter stops which also assisted with a fast pace. The few photos show our beautiful sunrise, examples of the roads we rode on and, at the end of the day, my Garmin’s ride summary. My Garmin is set to calculate total time from start to finish, not “rolling time.”
When you take our break time out
of today’s total time to complete the ride, our rolling average speed was just
shy of 20 mph or just a little over five hours to complete 101 miles! For us, this is a screaming pace which we
were all very proud of. (Ok, we had a
tail wind for a portion of the day and there wasn’t a lot of elevation …)